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The Oscars vs The Awesome Awards

Posted March 7, 2014 by Toby Barazzuol

Earlier this week, over 40 million people tuned in to watch the Oscars, which is undoubtedly one of the most popular recognition events on the planet. People are fascinated by recognition because it is powerful, uplifting and transformative - and it doesn’t matter if it’s on a stage in front of millions, or in a small group of people at a community centre, or anything in between - the act of recognition is something everyone is drawn to.  So what do the Awesome Awards and the Oscars have in common? Here are 3 things you might not have considered:

Recognition helps focus attention and energy 

As they say, energy flows where attention goes. In the weeks following the Oscars, people are curious to watch the movies that were recognized and many go out of their way to watch films they might not have even considered before. It’s the same with the Awesome Awards - nominations and awards are a great way to bring attention to amazing people and the awesome work that they are doing, which may or may not be in the spotlight. This is not only inspiring, it can also help attract resources and support to nominees while providing a boost of positive energy. Need proof? Take a look at what these amazing young girls are up to!

“It’s a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates”

Matthew McConaughey said this in his acceptance speech when he won the Academy Award for Best Actor, and we couldn’t agree more.  In fact, the idea of reciprocity is one of the main reasons the Awesome Awards were created. When people feel recognized and appreciated, not only do they want to give their best efforts, they also want to make others feel the same and will go out of their way to do so. The Awesome Awards create ripples of goodwill, generosity and happiness which all contribute to stronger relationships and stronger communities.

People are simply overjoyed by recognition!

It’s simple to observe that people are overjoyed when they are recognized and celebrated. Recognition helps us feel like we’re a valued part of the group, and not only do we all love to feel that way, we love to watch others feeling that way. To feel seen and heard is a powerful celebration of the human spirit.

Not everyone will have the chance to win an Oscar, but everyone has a chance to win an Awesome Award and experience the same feelings of elation, gratitude and belonging. Do you know someone who deserves this kind of recognition and celebration? If so, nominate them for an Awesome Award and let the world know about them!