The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Roslyn Haldane

Nominated by Sara Akers
October 18, 2017
I would love to nominate my friend Roslyn Haldane for an awesome award because of the great thing she is doing for our community! She bought an old run down 1890's Victorian House in Barre, VT with the vision to renovate and restore this beautiful building into a three story respite house! The first floor will be for hospice and end of life care, the second floor will be for recovery assistance for those we need extra care after caner treatments, or any pre-op/post-op surgeries. The third and final floor will be for true respite care, for those exhausted care givers to bring their loved ones so they can go and recharge! There will also be two apartments in the house for families to stay for free when their loved one is receiving care. She has named the project Tender Loving Respite House and it is a non-profit organization that accepts anyone at any age whether they can pay or not. Roslyn just wants to pay it forward and to help people, as she believes that that is her purpose in the world. This house will be the first of it's kind in our area and it is a huge project that is so desperately needed in our small town! She has turned this into a community project by getting all of the local schools and career centers involved to be able to help these students learn and grow! We are so blessed to have someone like her in our lives and we would love to see her recognized for doing such a wonderful thing!