The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Lenore Friedman

Nominated by David Krell
March 26, 2019
My name is David Krell andI am the Associate Director for the best Senior Center in New York City. The reason it is the best is because of Executive Director, Lenore Friedman, who sacrifices herself on a minute-by-minute basis for every Senior and person. I will try to do her amazing deeds justice, but no words can properly do so. Only spending enough time with her to see how much she truly does can come close. That is the problem. Lenore Friedman is 79 years old and has been Executive Director since its inception 43 years ago. Since then, she has consistently spent around 75 - 100 hours per week making sure her Senior members are taken care of. Between calling nearly 40 members twice a month who have fallen ill to being the Power of Attorney for a co-worker who died of cancer and had no family or friends, Lenore spends more time caring for acquaintances than anyone I have ever known to take care of their own parents. Truthfully, the reason I am writing is because Lenore can no longer give this much of an effort. And as any nurturing mother who has raised a world of people knows, she sacrifices her own physical and emotional health. But honestly, she does so to an extent that any doctor would advise against it. That said, removing her from this position would not only hurt Lenore herself, but all of our members. Therefore, Lenore needs an assistant to follow her around and be with her 100% of the time. Help me both help her and honor her. Thank you :).