Francisca Mandeya
Nominated by
Lamourie MEDIA
November 22, 2020
Francisca Mandeya a powerful female voice from the stage and on paper, was born in Zimbabwe and now lives in the Canadian north. Her influence crosses continents and her vitally important message is creating an international movement of mothers who understand that the lessons they impart to the next generation can have change the world. "As a result of reading my book Mother Behold Thy Son, mothers use their maternal power of love to intentionally teach gender equality in the home. Boys learn to discern and unlearn toxic masculinity and live as equals with girls. Girls learn toexercise their voice , stand on their stories and learn to live as authentic equals. Families begin real dialogue on gender inequality and transform relations, deconstructing patriarchy in the process," she says. Francisca believes in Maternal Power—"in the sacred bond created when a child begins its journey in its mother’s body, intricately bound by connection even stronger than the umbilical cord." She said she wrote the book with intent : "I am looking for individuals, families and organisations that are ready to stand in their truth; and transition from unequal to equal gender relations and live a life of equality, love and freedom."