The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Fiona Bradley

Nominated by Ann Stark
May 05, 2017
Some years ago Fiona's cat went missing. In her search for him she came across a lot of strays in need of care and attention. Over the years she has amassed a network of helpers who foster and fund raise. She takes in any cat/kitten in need of care and re-homes them once they are ready and have been flee'd, wormed and neutered. If a cat needs medical attention Fiona takes it to the vets. Last night she took in a further 13 strays - 2 mothers and 11 kittens from 4 litters. This morning they will all be going to the vets to be checked out and treated if necessary. Fiona and her team work round the clock when they hear of a stray and often send out parties to search for lost cats and dogs as well. There are never enough helpers and she is currently, desperately needing more fosterers, but she will still never turn her back on a cat in need. She is still hoping her cat will return one day but in the meantime she has saved so many. Anyone taking one of her cats (I have 4) has to pay a small fee which goes into the fund for feeding and vets fees (also on the basis that if you're paying for something you're not going to just throw it away) and she does home checks to make sure her babies are going to safe, secure homes.