The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Fernando Aguilera

Nominated by Angela Lopez
July 25, 2019
Fernando Aguilera to me is awesome just by everything he does for the community and kids as well. He came to country with no money in his pockets and went from living in the streets to getting a job to running his own business to creating a soccer team and turning it into what it is today. He is now president of the Merced Soccer Academy. Who has support of the Seattle Sounders. His team players train thier best to one day fufill thier dream of being a profesional soccer player. He has managed to have two of his players get scounted out and one of them is now a first string player for the professional team Seattle Sounders. Alfonso Ocampo was just 14 when he was called upon to train with the Seattle Sounders team and now plays professionally. Fernando has created something that is more than just soccer. This helps these kids with not only soccer but a future in college because if your not good in soccer he still wants the best education for you.