Christine Reidhead
Nominated by
June 10, 2019
Christine has been very busy this year with starting a non-profit organization, AfrikRising, that targets African children in need, she's authored a How to Ace a Job Interview, she continues to podcast with her mentors, Tom Davis and Mark Poulsen, and she's an educator that recently developed the university Bachelor's of Business Administration program through the Higher Learning Commission. As a Business program instructor, she's been voted department chair and faculty vice-president. She is currently working on her doctorate degree. She also works on two boards: Habitat for Humanity and Family Promise of Albuquerque. She currently has four podcasts she's running. She continues to amaze us with all that she does with community services, student advisement, and still makes time for her two sons. She always challenges and pushes herself to do the best job possible for everyone that comes to her for assistance. Her website,, provides more of her amazing activities. Christine is a lifelong learner and thrives on being the best at everything she does. She a humanitarian at heart and serves the people in Mexico, Africa and the Native Americans.