The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Zach Borton

Nominated by Casey McCarty
October 19, 2020
Zach is awesome because he took time out of his day to ask if I was alright. This may seem simple, but his act of kindness changed my life. I had been posting (what I thought to be sarcastic) tweets and Snapchat stories about hating myself... only Zach had the courage to ask me why I felt that way, and reminded me that him and many others loved me. Zach saw through my "sarcasm" and was looking out for my well-being, when he did not have to. As someone who has been diagnosed with depression (which he didn't know), suicide has crossed my mind many times. He redirected my faith to push forward and I have never felt more appreciated for existing, thanks to him. He's not a therapist by any means, but he's the kind of guy that will go out of his way for others and support your dreams, even when you've lost motivation. I believe he saved my life. I will never forget it. I hope he wins this award so that him and his future kids/family never forget how great of a man he is. He chose love, which is hard to find these days. He influenced me to push forward in that light and to reach out to anyone that needs a reminder that they are important. Zach is my biggest hero.