The Awesome Awards - Nominations

Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor

Nominated by Samuel Bearman
April 01, 2017
My amazing wife to be Jessica is awesome and here's why I think so. Sadly Jessica has been very unwell for the last 11 years and is bed bound through a very severe and rare form of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, and is in constant high levels of pain. She has many other health issues as well due to this, seizures and renal problems and the list goes on. However, not once has she ever complained or said 'why me?' She's always said 'why not me' and has chosen to use what little energy she has to focus on others. In October 2010, she started a charity called Shareastar, which focuses on extremely ill/ terminal children and young people up to the age of 21 and their siblings. While running a charity from bed she is also training her body to walk again so she can walk down the aisle on 29th April. Jessica is a true unsung hero and an inspiration to not only me but to many she is in my eyes AWESOME and always will be.