The Awesome Awards - Nominations


Nominated by Oliver
June 25, 2017
I worked with Claire during my time at college. I was on a placement, in the school she worked at. I was having trouble at home, rarely getting any sleep and I didn't feel as though I could tell anyone. Claire supported me through not only my placement but also my personal issues too. I was struggling with an eating disorder, abuse at home and also serious suicidal tendencies. I later became homeless. Claire provided 24/7 support, answering messages at silly times of the morning and even taking me out for a drink and some food when I wasn't coping. Last year, she lost her beautiful daughter Evelyn to stillbirth, something that could have broken her into many tiny pieces. Instead, she rose through the darkness and pain to share her wonderful daughter with the world. She also then lost her best friend, just shortly afterwards. She's offered to support to other Mums & Dads who have lost their angel babies and she's taken it upon herself to improve the care for others when they experience something as life changing as stillbirth. Through a "Mad Hatters Tea Party", Claire and friends raised £1195 for Aching Arms, a charity very close to their hearts and also to raise awareness. She is also in the process of improving the suite that herself and her husband stayed in with their beautiful Evelyn after their time together was cut short. She wanted it to be better for everyone else who ever has to stay there, which is absolutely incredible. Throughout all of the pain and heartache that she has experienced, she's come through the other side to support and lift up others. The pain of reliving her heartbreak has been taken and accepted as she's written wonderful words and taken wonderful photos and shared such a personal and wonderful part of herself with so many others. She has been an incredible friend to me, even when her pain and her darkness were swallowing her whole. And that's why I think she deserves someone to show her just how grateful we all are.